I want to wish all of my readers a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. Anyada Buena; G’mar Chatima Tova; Tizku Leshanim Rabot, L’shana Tova Umetuka; are just a few of the many New Year’s greeting people exchange with each other. Translated they mean, Have a good year; May you be inscribed in the book of life; May you merrit many years; and May you have a good and sweet year.
I hope you use some of the recipes I have endeavored to write down in your meals, remember the classic dishes are probably among the first recipes I ever posted on this blog so you may find them in the recipe index.
I sincerely hope you take a moment to be reflective on your lives during this holiday and set your goals high for next year. Things can always change for the better, but remember to be happy with what you have, and be charitable with money, time, and effort for others.
Best Regards, Linda
Wishing you and your loved ones the same, Linda – L’shana Tova Umetuka. Love, June
Anyada Buena gam lach, Linda! A Sweet New Year to Us All!!!
Thank You for all the Love you send us all year long.
Love to You and Yours,
~Bethy Levy
L’Shana Tova U’Metuka, Kerida Linda! ☺