It is Monday, the Seders are passed us and we can take a breather for a few days. This year went very well. Out of respect for Noni’s passing I kept it small. First night there were 11 of us and second night only 13. I tried to raise the bar on myself by creating mostly healthy menus with a dessert buffet that involved mostly nuts and meringue based goodies instead of butter cream (made with parave, dairy-free margarine).
Tablecloths are dispatched to the laundry, silverware accounted for, and no spoons went into the trash this year. The Mitzrayim chicken was a big hit with everyone and the veal breast stuffed with a gluten free, all vegetable, dried fruit, and nut filling was positively succulent, with a crisp roasted top portion and melt in your mouth bones to linger over. The Semifreddo inspired seconds and even third servings, while the Torrone was marveled at and everyone took home little bags with mandel bread and marunchinos.
We started around eight PM and the conversation was still going strong at midnight. My husband did a fabulous job of providing further enlightenment past what the little Seder books reveal. I looked around the table and it occurred to me that out of the seven 18 to 29 year old eligible young men at the table only the oldest is married so far. I will look forward to adding some daughters and nieces in the coming years. I hope you all enjoyed your Seders or at least some of the good recipes. Enjoy the Pictures.
Huevos Haminados
Chicken Soup with Matzo Balls
Gefilte Fish, Halibut Plaki, Salmon with Tomato
Roast Baby Beets and pink Turnips
Roast Baby Carrots
Roast Chilean Red and Peruvian Purple Potatoes
Steamed Asparagus
Stuffed Veal Pocket
WOW! Magnificent! ☺
Thank you for the Semifreddo recipe, it was so delicious! I put peach instead of mango, it went very well! Chag Sameach!
Hi Linda,
Wishing you, your family, and your readers a very happy and healthy Passover. Both tables for your seders look amazing!!!! Thanks for all the pictures.
I made flounder plaki tonight. Omitted the fennel and grapes and it came out great. I will be making this year round.