Friday afternoon amongst her busy preparations for Shabbat, Nona (my mom) always made Sütlaҫ, pronounced sootlach, as one of the Shabbat breakfast or lunch dishes. Sütlaς is rice pudding, a very simple and satisfying dish with a silky smooth texture and lightly sweet cinnamon flavor.
Sütlaς is the Turkish name for this pudding consumed widely across the Middle East. Süt means milk in Turkish. Süt lü kahve means coffee with milk. Since Sephardic people lived in Turkey for generations, Ladino contains many Turkish words and the food was heavily influenced.
For today’s recipe and photo shoot I used non fat Lactaid milk (milk for us lactose intolerant types) and the Sütlaς was great. If you can tolerate whole milk, then go ahead and use it, I am sure that is what Nona used. This recipe can be made in a larger portion if you wish, just keep the same ratio if you double it. Two cups of milk makes enough for 3 generous servings.
¼ cup rice flour or Harina de Arroze
¼ cup granulated sugar
2 cups of milk
Cinnamon for sprinkling
½ teaspoon vanilla (optional)
Place the rice flour and sugar in a small heavy bottomed saucepan. Add ¼ cup of the milk. Stir with a wooden spoon until the flour and sugar are dissolved in the milk. Add the rest of the milk and stir with the wooden spoon until combined. Add the vanilla at this point if you wish.
Place the saucepan on medium heat. Stirring constantly in figure eight motion, cook the rice pudding. Stir until the outer edge starts to bubble and the milk becomes thick. Turn off the heat, remove the saucepan and pour the pudding into individual serving dishes. The Sütlaς sets up stiff as it starts to cool. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Eat hot, cold, warm, as you wish. Serve this on Shabbat along with desayuno like borekas, frittata, Huevos Haminados and Kahve Turko.
I have been wanting to get this recipe for so long; and just last week I bought some rice flour thinking I would try my hand at it using the LA Sephardic Sisterhood cook book that dates back to the 70s I think, and whose measurements people have told me are off. So, thank you for posting this recipe and its background. I am going to make it this week using your recipe. Maybe I will repost how it goes. But in any case, thank you. All I remember is that my Mom would say you have to keep stirring it, and sometimes she would let me stir it. It has come at an auspicious time for me and it looks great. Good health and happy cooking. I love your blog.
And while I am here, can I put in a request for a receipe for little meatballs in the egg, lemon, flour paste sauce. I would say it in ladino, but I can’t spell in ladino (ok, so here is exposing myself to spanish ridicule — kehvtikas con weahvo leh mon). It is one of my favorites that my Mom would make. I would love to try my hand at it. I would lap up every last bit with challah bread. Yum for me. Many thanks.
Linda, the sutlac looks lovely, I love it warm with a little cinnamon sprinkled on top.
East Coast Cousin, those meatballs in egg and lemon sauce is one of my daughter’s favourites, it’s definitely a comfort food for all of us here. 🙂
Linda, my grandmother came from Rhodes but we grew up in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). When she made the sutlac(which I do now and is my kids favorite dessert) she flavoured it with orange blossom water (agua di flor) served it in individual serving dishes with the persons initials done in cinnamon.
Rhodesian ==
A person from Rhodes or Rhodesia
quite interesting circumstance.
Thanks for this great recipe. My Nona made it for us back in the 50’s, in a cast iron sauce pan, and I would eat it right out of the pan. Was so delicious. Had a hard time finding the rice, but of course Amazon had it. Arriving in early Feb, can’t wait. My grandparents are from Salonica & Edirne and came to US in 1916. David
Hi David So glad you enjoyed the recipe. My Nona’s and Papu’s came from Rhodos, Tekirdag, and Galipo.
It’s David again. Hope you’re doing well. Was wondering if you know of a Sephardic dish called Buenellos, or Bumellos? Not sure if it was made out of Matzoh, which was soaked and made into balls, and fried. She served them with honey.
Hi David, I have copied the links for both recipes, the Passover Matzo kind and the yeast dough Chanukah ones. Give them a try , they are delicious.
Hi Im Ronit
My husbands family is from Turkey. I am so grateful for your recipe. Just in time for Shavuot.
I make this dish in the microwave now. It still requires constant monitoring, stirring, and cooking in increments to prevent it from boiling out of the container, but wont burn on the bottom. I make it in a glass measuring pitcher, which makes for easy pouring into the individual serving bowls and easier clean up after.