[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGyczYBee_I[/youtube] My wonderful friend Suzette was so kind as to invite me to watch, help make, and film her mom making the holiday Gefilte fish. Halina is a survivor from World War II, her spunky personality, sharp wit, and generousity make it a pleasure to know her. The recipe is posted on this blog.
Thanks to both Suzette and yourself for this video and recipe. I must confess, however, that if I try this recipe out, it’ll only be myself and my cats who will eat it, because my hubby has tried it on several occasions and has absolutely hated it (and it wasn’t even me doing the cooking, but my aunts or grandmothers!)
Still, though, I will persevere, and have a go at making this most Jewish of dishes. Wish me luck on getting himself to change his mind about sampling some, though!